
How to Get Kids Back Into Routine

01 - how to get kids back to routine

Why not begin now? Routines can improve kid adjustment, parent competency, and have even been connected to marital pleasure.

For the entire family, getting back into a routine can be challenging, but it’s critical to keep in mind why it’s required in the first place. As predictable environments become less stressful for young children due to daily routines, daytime behaviors improve and mom’s stress levels decrease. According to research, a daily routine that is regular can aid a child in developing long-term time management skills that will serve them well as they enter adolescence and adulthood. 

Children who have self-confidence feel more at ease participating in novel situations, such as attending a new school, class, or activity. According to a University of Albany study, strong feelings of stability, fostered by predictable routines, can even support emotionally challenging family upheavals like divorce and relocation.

The prepared setting was one of Paramus Daycare’s guiding principles. A daily routine can help you prepare your environment and properly complement their education by bringing out the best in your family and children.

But keep in mind that a rigid regimen can inhibit a child’s sense of individuality. A productive routine establishes a regular sequence of daily activities while allowing the youngster to express some autonomy through components of personal choice.

How exactly do we go from a summertime play to a school day?

Start a Few Weeks Early

To make the process easier on everyone, give yourself some time to gradually get back into a schedule. Get kids to bed at least 10 minutes earlier each night by starting with the bedtime routine and returning to the daily ritual. Make the bedtime routine your only schedule to follow, if you must! The transition to your child’s school schedule takes roughly one to two weeks. To make the adjustment simpler, you can even imitate the food and nap periods at your school. Starting early aids in ironing out kinks so that your child is alert and prepared for the first day of school (keep tuned for our post on sleep hygiene to get the whole lowdown on enhancing your child’s sleep).

Take on the holiday diet next. In the summer, it’s simple to sleep in and stay up late, but it’s also simple to overindulge, especially when it comes to soda and sweets. Once more, patience will come in handy. Change to a healthy glass of water from sodas and other sweet drinks to ease into your normal diet. Replace baked desserts with fruit, such as strawberries or mangos, and reserve the too sweet treats for a weekend baking project with the family.

Pick Up the Speed the Closer You Are to the Date

Positive feelings can be fostered in the youngster during the days preceding the first day of school, easing the entire adjustment. Bring your kids along when you go shopping for school supplies so they may pick out their own materials and have an added incentive to be happy. Teachers frequently request that parents send in items for the forthcoming school year. Making this preparation in advance gives you and your child the chance to visit the school, making initial impressions that will pique their excitement and relieving you of one worry on the first day. Making a practice run of your route is another excellent technique to relieve tension because you may arrange your daily routine while considering the travel time.

What to Do the Previous Night

It’s time to implement the morning and bedtime regimens that you have just adjusted. With this example daily schedule, Ms. Rehanna, one of HMS’s most cherished teachers who has been instructing our kids for more than 30 years, offers her recipe for success.

*Advice for working parents: Meal preparation is a crucial component of a successful daily schedule. You can buy in bulk and cook in advance, giving you more time to do the other 1,000 things on your to-do list and the luxury of one less thing to worry about in the morning. Hard boiled eggs and hummus are two nutritious options that can both be prepared in advance, in large quantities, and kept in the refrigerator. Repurposing leftovers can help you save even more time.

You now have time to relax in preparation for the first day of school, perhaps including some R&R for yourself (bubble bath, anyone?). Your child is now in bed, lunches are prepared, and backpacks are ready by the door.

Even if summer is finished, there is still time to have fun. Why not include some of those special occasions across the entire year? Remember that memorable vacation dinner where everything went off without a hitch, your steak was perfectly cooked, and, dare I say it, the kids even got along? Who says you can’t do that on a weekend or school night? The summer spirit can last all year long if you can stay in the moment despite hectic work, school, sports, music, dance, and art commitments.


You don’t have to give up all of your summer activities, even though establishing a pattern as soon as possible would make the transition back to school easier. Remember to start each day with a positive outlook to set the tone for the day ahead. No matter which routine you decide to use, always be consistent and establish clear boundaries and expectations for the best outcomes. While routines are excellent for children, they are also helpful for adults in managing their hectic schedules and are the secret to all Super Parents!



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