
Age-Appropriate Chores for Kids

05 - chores for kids

Learning to assist with tasks at an early age has several benefits. According to studies, children who participate in home chores learn life skills that aid in their development into self-reliant, capable people. Chore participation is also a key predictor of which children will become independent individuals. 

Chores help children develop self-reliance, problem-solving, critical thinking, and teamwork, among many other skills. A child’s work ethic and time management abilities are developed through chores, which can also serve to improve family ties. Your kids will feel more equal and like they are helping out around the house if they witness you doing the tasks. By giving your kids the chance to demonstrate their aptitude for handling more difficult jobs, you may help them grow into competent and capable adults in your eyes. What they are capable of might even surprise you!

Elizabeth Pantley, a parenting specialist and international best-selling book, advises implementing the “when/then” strategy. This tactic, in her words, is to “play outside after your homework is finished.” Or, “Let’s read a book when your pajamas are on and your teeth are brushed.” The fact that it’s just a straightforward reminder and adds something to anticipate afterward is what makes this idea succeed. According to Elizabeth, if you involve your kids in the process and let them choose a few chores they like to do, they could be more ready to help out.

When teaching your kids about chores, keep in mind the following guidelines:

  • show rather than tell They are developing new skills, keep in mind. Be tolerant. Show them exactly how to do it first, then ask for their assistance before letting them try it themselves.
  • Don’t stress over being flawless! Nobody is flawless. You could discourage your kids from wanting to assist if you step in or offer criticism, which would be counterproductive.
  • Be dependable! Be consistent in how you divide up the home responsibilities, whether you use a schedule or a chore wheel. Additionally, it involves consistently carrying out your commitments. If you don’t expect your kids to finish their duties, they’ll come to expect you to do them for them.
  • Extensive praise is due! Who doesn’t feel more driven when they know they are performing well? Get that praise flowing right immediately, advises WebMD. Don’t hold off till the task is finished. While the child is working on the chore, praise and inspire them. In other words, provide your child with a lot of love and support to urge them to finish the task at hand.

We’ve put together a list of age-appropriate chores for kids ages 2 through 12 and older to get you started. 

Children’s Tasks for Ages 2 to 3

Have your young child finish simple one- or two-step chores like…

  • putting their toys away
  • Putting their soiled laundry away
  • arranging their bed blankets so they are straight
  • removing spillage
  • making snacks with you
  • dusting accessible areas 
  • the family pet’s food

Kids’ Chores for Ages 3 to 5

Help your young child become more autonomous through…

  • Cleaning out the trash cans
  • getting into bed
  • Getting the newspaper or the mail
  • Following a meal, clearing the table
  • Putting cereal in their bowl
  • putting the dishes from the dishwasher away
  • collecting crumbs 
  • organizing their daily attire

Children’s Work for Ages 5 to 7

Give your young children easy assignments to finish, like…

  • maintaining order in their bedroom
  • Vacuuming or sweeping
  • Before and after meals, set the table and clean it up.
  • doing laundry sorting
  • helping to prepare lunches

Children’s Tasks for Ages 7 to 9

Make your school-age children more accountable via…

  • the dishwasher’s load
  • cooking assistance 
  • creating homemade snacks
  • Organizing their laundry
  • preparing basic breakfasts 
  • providing more involved pet care, such as walking the dog and helping to clean the fish tank

Kids’ Chores for Ages 9 to 12

Teach your preteens how to manage their time through…

  • Taking out the dishwasher 
  • doing the dishes
  • Performing laundry
  • Having their sheets changed
  • sanitizing the restroom
  • window and mirror cleaning
  • washing a vehicle
  • Lawn mowing and kitchen cleaning 
  • preparing straightforward meals under the guidance 
  • taking care of younger siblings, first practicing with an adult there

Use a Chore Wheel to Make the Process Enjoyable

Here’s a simple and enjoyable method to engage the whole family in chores and make them entertaining!


  • A split pin, 
  • Marker
  • scissors, and 
  • construction paper 


  1. Start by having an adult cut two circles—one bigger than the other—from construction paper. 
  2. Along with a separate activity in each region of the bigger circle, assist your child with writing the names of each family member on the smaller circle. Use the ideas we’ve provided above or come up with some of your own!
  3. Use a split pin in the middle to join the two circles together.
  4. To choose which chore to complete first, have your youngster spin the chore wheel. Rotate the chore wheel in turns, or make one for each family member with tasks according to each person’s age.



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